Wati Ngintaka, Wati Nyiru, Wanka and Kungka Tjuta
acrylic on linen
202 x 264 xm
Araluen Art Collection. Acquired from Desert Mob 2009
© The artist and Ninuku Arts
Harry has four stories that he paints, all shown in this painting:
‘Wati Ngintaka Tjukurpa (Perentie Lizard Man Creation Story). That Wati Ngintaka heard from a long way the sound of a grinding stone. He wanted that stone, so he travelled from Arang’nga (NT) to Wayatina. He saw Anangu at the camp. He spied the grinding stone and stole it. The people were angry with him and chased him. That Wati Ngintaka held up his arms but was hiding it, wipungka (in his tail). They cut him up into pieces.’
‘This is Wati Nyiru, a man named 'Nyiru', who is watching the seven sisters up on the hill near Wyalla. He watches them go into the cave, he blocks the cave but the ladies go out the other side. He travels to Broken Hill and comes back to Nyipurana looking for them.’
‘This is a big spider man. Wati paluru Ngankari (a male healer, traditional doctor). He is a powerful man. When rain comes he hides in his nest. He is a clever man. At night time he changes colour. His name is Wanka (spider). I am the spider man, Ngankari.’
‘Kungka Tjuta. These are lots of young girls doing milpatjunanyi, the traditional way of telling stories in the sand. These circles are their bottoms in the sand. This story is from near Walytatjara, north of Kalka.’ - Harry Tjutjuna
Read more about the Ngintaka Tjukurpa as told by Harry here.
Harry Tjutjuna
Born: c.1930 Walyatjatjara SA
Pitjantjatjara language group
Art Centre: Ninuku Arts, Kalka
Harry Tjutjuna was born at Walytjatjara, north east of Pipalyatjara. He is a Ngankari (traditional healer) and senior law man. In his youth he moved to Ernabella Mission where he was educated and worked on the settlement on bore sinking, fencing, and tending to the sheep. Harry first started painting in 2005 at Ernabella Arts Centre before moving to Pipalyatjara in 2008 where he began painting at Ninuku Arts.